What Is Psychosis?
Psychosis is a set of symptoms that involve a person’s mind “playing tricks on them.” The person experiencing psychosis may have difficulty telling the difference between their own thoughts and perceptions and those that come from the outside world. Although real to the person experiencing psychosis, psychotic experiences are not experienced as real to others….
Read Full PostFrequently Asked Questions
FAQ’s About CEDAR Evaluations: Information To Know About Registration and Evaluations Once you have filled out a referral form, our clinical coordinator will be in touch to schedule a referral screening call. This call typically takes 20-30 minutes, however at times we may require a follow-up call or further information. The information gathered in this…
Read Full PostTraining and Resources
Our Clinical Training Opportunities CEDAR offers training opportunities for psychiatry residents, psychology interns and practicum trainees, and interns in counseling. We partner with BIDMC for psychiatry 3rd and 4th year residents. We also partner with Shirley Yen at BIDMC for post-doctoral fellowships in clinical psychology. For more information, please contact: Amanda Weber, Ph.D. – amandaweber@brooklinecenter.org…
Read Full PostReferrals
Please note: This page is currently under construction! In the meantime, you can access our referral forms on our old site here. If you have any questions regarding the referral process, please feel free to reach out to cedarclinic@brooklinecenter.org. To send us medical records, please fax them to (617) 734-6385.
Read Full PostAbout CEDAR
Who we are CEDAR (Center For Early Detection, Assessment & Response to Risk) is a clinical program of The Brookline Center for Community Mental Health and is affiliated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School. CEDAR is located at The Brookline Center and is comprised of a multidisciplinary team of mental health…
Read Full PostUnderstanding Psychosis Risk
What Does “At Risk” Mean? Risk refers to how likely one is to experience a certain problem. Someone at low risk is less likely than someone at high risk to develop the problem. We all probably carry some risk for psychosis, but some factors make people at higher risk than others. We now know that…
Read Full PostSchool and Work Coaching
The CEDAR Clinic offers school/work “coaching,” which provides individual support and advocacy for clients experiencing difficulty with their academic or career pursuits. The program is adaptable to the specific cognitive, social, and executive functioning difficulties and deficits that hinder performance of the particular client, with an emphasis on generalizable skill acquisition and growth. All clients…
Read Full PostPsychiatry Services
At CEDAR, our psychiatry team provides psychiatric consultation and medication/psychotherapy interventions. Our psychiatry team is led by Jessica Stern M.D., a board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrist and includes psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners. Psychiatry consultations at CEDAR use a developmental lens that incorporates medical, psychotherapeutic, and family systems perspectives. These consultations are used to optimize diagnostic thinking and…
Read Full PostFamily Support and Parent Coaching
CEDAR Welcomes Families! Families provide information and a unique perspective that can be enormously helpful to our understanding of what is going on. Individuals experiencing changes or symptoms are often scared and confused. They need understanding, support, and help. Families often worry and do not know how to respond. Research is clear that family participation…
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