James Green, B.A.
Data Coordinator — M-PATH
James Green B.A. is the Data Coordinator at M-PATH. He supports the M-PATH program with database development, protocol development, data analytics, and reporting to key-stake holders.
James began his career in mental health research and clinical practice during his undergraduate degree in psychology at Lesley University, where he worked with Dr. Uma Millner at the Mental Health Identity and Adaptability lab on researching the improvement of theory, interventions, and measurement of career development for individuals living with serious mental health conditions. While at Lesley, he completed 2 undergraduate clinical internships working with youth at risk for mental health conditions and severe substance use difficulties. Post-graduation James joined the Center for Early Detection, Assessment, and Response to risk (CEDAR) team as a research coordinator and clinic coordinator. At CEDAR, he coordinated multiple nationally funded studies for youth at risk for psychosis, provided vocational and educational interventions for clinic clients, and supported clients, families, and providers to navigate the early psychosis systems of care and intake protocols at CEDAR.
Currently, he is enrolled in a Master’s of Mental Health Counseling program at Boston College to pursue a career of working as a clinician. He also continues to participate in research studies as a consultant at the Psychosis Research Program, with specific interests in improving diagnostic tools for detecting risk of psychosis, researching client outcomes to develop more accessible and equitable systems of care, and supporting undergraduate research assistant projects.