Valerie Duque

Clinical Coordinator

Valerie Duque, Clinical Coordinator

Valerie is the clinical coordinator at the CEDAR clinic. In this role, she supports clients, families, and health care providers in the clinic’s referral and intake process. She conducts screening calls for individuals with concerns regarding psychosis and consults with the team to determine CEDAR eligibility. She also provides client-centered executive functioning coaching to young clients who meet CHR-P and assists with case management and care coordination.    

Academic: Valerie received her B.A. in Psychological Sciences from the University of Connecticut in 2024. She is excited to work alongside an interdisciplinary team focusing on holistic treatment for individuals who are at clinical high risk of developing psychosis. 

Clinical: Prior to joining CEDAR, Valerie worked as a research assistant in the BADCO Lab at the University of Connecticut where she recruited, screened, and ran the DERPIY study with children and families. The research focused on understanding the mechanisms behind behavioral disorders, identifying effective treatment interventions, and describing the outcome in different contexts. During her undergraduate career, she also interned through the Department of Children and Families and at Gray Matters in Greenwich, CT as a neurofeedback technician. She provided trauma-informed, culturally competent care for individuals struggling with their mental health and learned valuable crisis intervention skills. Through her roles, she has developed a passion for working with young adults and adolescents in a recovery-oriented setting.