Youth and Young Adult Support

M-PATH provides support and information to youth and young adults who may be experiencing psychosis. This means that we are able to talk with you about symptoms you may be experiencing, a recent diagnosis that you may have received, or any other questions you might have related to psychosis. We can help you to figure out your next steps in your mental health journey.  

  • Empathetic listening, and support: We can connect you with our Young Adult Peer Mentor (YAPM), who can offer her own experiences with psychosis symptoms and the process of seeking care. She can talk with you about questions and concerns you might have about treatment, diagnoses, or identity. Find out more about how our YAPM can support you here
  • Guidance on navigating mental health systems: We can help you connect to treatment that embraces your experiences, identities, and meets your needs, whether that be therapy, medication, getting back to work or school, or communication with loved ones about your experiences and needs.  
  • Connection to community resources: We will point you to spaces in the community that want to embrace and connect you to other individuals and support systems. This network is inclusive of interests, passions, identity (racial, cultural, sexuality, gender, language, learning style, diagnoses, age), trades, and professions.  
  • Advocacy and empowerment: We can support you where you are at and supply you with the tools that you can hold onto for your mental health journey. These tools can help you advocate for your needs in conversations and relationships you may have with doctors, friends, partners, loved ones/family members, teachers, and supervisors. 

M-PATH is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health and other private foundations; this means that there is no cost to you.