Boldly Brookline & Beyond

Together, we can be a bold and steady source of healing, hope, and resilience.

Why give now?

In these fractured times of heightened polarization, spiraling uncertainty, and widespread pain, The Brookline Center for Community Mental Health stands as a beacon of healing and hope. Today and always, the Brookline Center remains committed to the belief that we are all in this together, working to provide solutions that improve mental health in Brookline and beyond.

By pushing the boundaries of conventional practices, we aim to set a new standard for mental health care, demonstrating that bold approaches can bring about much-needed change while continuing to provide outstanding mental health care to residents of Brookline and neighboring communities.

Our vision is clear – a mental health care system effective and equitable for all. By supporting the Center, you play a crucial role in helping us achieve this vision and make a lasting impact on the lives of adults and children with poor mental health.